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Talk: Cyanide Gold Mining at Bukit Koman, Raub Pahang

Saturday, April 28, 2007


饭后一支烟 俗话说“饭后一支烟,赛过活神仙”,其实不然。饭后吸烟的危害比平时大10倍!这是因为进食后的消化道血液循环增多,致使烟中尼古丁、烟焦油、一氧化碳和 放射性物质等有害成分大量吸收,损害呼吸道、肝脏、大脑及心脏血管,严重的会引起这些方面的疾病。所以饭不要抽烟,最好是戒烟。

餐后洗澡 洗澡时皮肤血管扩张,血液旺盛。如果餐后立即洗澡,血液就会流向体表,胃肠道的血流量便相应减少,消化液分泌也随之减少,从而使肠胃的消化功能减弱,引起 消化不良。但空腹时也不宜洗澡,因血液主要在体表,体内血液较少,易引起低血糖,发生休克。如果是年老体弱的人在浴室里休克,就可能危及生命。 所以在餐前餐后1-2个小时洗澡最适宜。

饭后吃水果 食物在胃里,必须经过1-2小时的消化过程,才能缓慢排出。 如果人们在饭后立即吃进水果,就会被先期到达的食物阻滞在胃内,致使水果在胃内时间过长,从而引起腹胀、腹泻或便秘等症状。饭后吃水果往往是在吃饱或吃得 过饱的基础上再添加食物,而这部分的热量几乎全部被储存,很容易引起肥胖。饭后马上吃水果还会使血糖浓度升高,增加胰腺的负担,增加体内毒素,这是糖尿病 的一大诱因。所以,水果最好是在两餐之间吃。

饭后饮浓茶 茶呈碱性,饭后喝茶,会冲淡胃液,影响食物的消化。同时,茶叶中含有大量鞣酸,饭后喝茶,就会使胃中没来得及消化的蛋白质同鞣酸结合在一起形成不易消化的 沉淀物,影响蛋白质的吸收。如果吃了含铁丰富的食物马上喝茶会导致铁元素的沉降,影响铁的吸收还容易引起肠胃不适,长期如此甚至能够引发缺铁性贫血。

饭后放松裤带 吃饭过量后会感觉撑得慌,很多人常常是松开裤带,这样虽然肚子舒服了,但是会造成腹腔内压下降,胃就会向下压迫腹腔。长此以往,可能会患上胃下垂。吃饭应 该细嚼慢咽,因为血糖在体内要10-30分钟才能达到最高水平,血糖升高才会抑制大脑的食欲中枢,这时才有饱足感。如果吃得过快,在15分钟之内,你吃了 不少东西,还是感到不饱。继续吃到15分钟的时候,可能就大大超量了。这样不仅感觉撑得慌,还会造成摄入热量过多,引起肥胖等其它疾病。

饭后立即散步 俗话说“饭后百步走活到九十九”,这未必科学。饭后胃正处于充盈状态,这时必须保证胃肠道要有充足的血液供应,以进行初步消化。这个时候匆忙起身而走,势 必会有一部分血液集中到运动系统去,这样就延缓了消化液的分泌,破坏了胃的正常消化,容易诱发功能性消化不良和影响营养物质的吸收。尤其是老年人,心脏功 能减退,血管硬化,餐后散步多会出现血压下降等现象,患有心脑血管病的患者最忌饭后运动。。所以饭后应该休息20分钟再“百步走”。

餐后开车 饭后因为消化食物的需要,体内血液主要集中在消化系统,而脑部血液相对较少,大脑就会出现缺氧,这时人的注意力难以集中,敏感度较低,灵活性降低,反应能 力下降,处理突发事件的能力变弱。这时候如果开车,很容易导致操作失误而发生车祸。所以餐后应该适当休息后再开车。(营养师飞翔)

KL Rain

Recently KL raining often especially at evening and at nigh. Don't know want to say good or the other way round. Rain for me is good because cold whether better for sleep on both ears. Else shine is great for people plan go out or hawker.

Yeah, tomorrow going to install Air-cond. At nigh i can sleep like a log. Thanks.

電腦系統更新擺烏龍 死人繼承公積金








上星期, 我已到位于Jalan Raja Laut, 公積金局總部一楼查詢, 费时大约半小时.

updated:2007-04-26 19:00:36 MYT

■公積金會員須填寫KWSP 4表格,以指定受益人。(放大)





不過, 他的數名朋友近日相繼向他表示,他們收到電子郵件指公積金指定受益人名單資料錯誤,而且這些朋友到公積金局查詢,發現戶頭資料果真有誤。













  • 我是否能指定多個公積金受益人?

  • 年滿18歲的會員就有資格指定一名或以上的受益人。

  • 我能指定誰為受益人?

  • 公積金局鼓勵會員指定近親為受益人,例如配偶、孩子、父母或兄弟姐妹,以便他們日後更方便地取出會員的公積金。

  • 如果我沒有指定受益人,一旦我逝世,親人能否提領公積金?

  • 如果會員沒有指定受益人,一旦發生不幸事件,親人就得辦理其他手續才能提領,會比較麻煩和費時。

  • 我要如何指定受益人?

  • 會員填寫KWSP 4表格,指定受益人時需要有一名滿18歲的證人作證,不過證人不能是受益人。之後,把KWSP 4表格交給附近的公積金局辦事處即可。

  • 我是否能委托他人處理受益人事宜?

  • 表格必須在會員生前,交到公積金局手上,才能生效。

  • 我要如何更新受益人名單?

  • 會員須重新填寫KWSP 4表格,交給公積金局。舊的KWSP 4表格會自動被新的取代。

  • 我要如何查詢受益人名單?

  • 大馬半島的會員若要查證指定受益人名單,必須親身到吉隆坡公積金局總部。目前公積金局在提升電腦系統,日後會員可在分局查詢。

















  • 翁詩傑:院校須好好把關 不干預校政自主權

    updated:2007-04-27 20:38:13 MYT (星洲日報)












    大道裝電眼捉超速? 當局澄清只是監督交通流量

    updated:2007-04-27 20:54:41 MYT (光明日報‧)

    (八打靈再也訊)網上電郵流傳白蒲大道有5個拍攝超速車輛的電眼,發信者言之鑿鑿,實際上,這些“電眼” 只是監督交通流量的閉路電視,沒有逮超速的功能。

    電郵內容聲稱,在時速限制為90公里的白蒲大道是最近安置電眼,只要車輛時速超過91公里,電眼就會拍下照片,並自動傳送到交警部門。5個安裝電眼的地點分別是格拉那再也輕快鐵站的行人天橋、Western Digital大廈、宜家、蒲種收費站天橋及SS2的隧道(隧道限速60公里)。





    Players revising CPO price targets

    Monday April 23, 2007 - The Star

    With the commodity seen hitting an 8½ year high level above RM2,200 per tonne, many players are gradually revising their earlier predictions that CPO will be traded in the range of RM2,400 to RM2,500 per tonne by year-end.

    THE price trend of Malaysia's top commodity - crude palm oil (CPO) - is expected to continue heading north “at least” in the first half of this year.

    The volatile price movements particularly over the past two months have triggered different levels of price projections among industry experts on the commodity's average price this year.

    Many market observers are predicting a higher average price at RM2,100 to RM2,200 per tonne this year compared with RM1,510.50 per tonne in 2006 and RM1,394 in 2005 as reported by Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB).

    However, with the commodity seen hitting an 8½ year high level above RM2,200 per tonne, many players are gradually revising their earlier predictions that CPO will be traded in the range of RM2,400 to RM2,500 per tonne by year-end.

    Last Friday, CPO June futures contract closed at RM2,240 per tonne, up RM21 a week earlier while July futures settled at RM2,179 per tonne.

    A listed plantation player told StarBiz that CPO was one of the hottest soft commodities traded this year given its versatile usage in food and biodiesel.

    He said the commodity showed no signs of losing its steam at least in the first half of this year “although there will be minor technical corrections in prices along the way.”

    He said CPO was in its elements, fundamentally supported by potential global supply shortage, trans fatty acid regulations and lower soybean hectarage in the US, strong demand from India and China as well as the biodiesel boost.

    India, one of the world's largest edible oil importers, had recently slashed import duties on crude and refined palm oil by 10 percentage points in a bid to stem rising inflation.

    The plantation player said: “I will not be surprised if CPO hits a 10-year high of RM2,800 by year-end with encouraging news flow supporting the commodity lately.”

    Given local planters' average cost of production for palm oil between RM700 and RM800 per tonne, he said plantation players were expected to reap better profit margins this year.

    “Just imagine efficient players with cost of production at only RM600 per tonne, many will be laughing to the bank with the much higher CPO prices this year,” he added.

    According to MPOB, Malaysia's crude palm oil production this year is expected to register a record high of 16.5 million tonnes, up 4% from 2006.

    On the local front, the Government had approved 90 biodiesel licences, of which five plants are operating with a total palm oil feedstock requirement of 350,000 tonnes.

    Many believed that a large part of Malaysia's biodiesel capacity would come on stream in the second half of this year with five more plants set to operate this year.

    When Malaysia's entire biofuel refining capacity comes online, up to three million tonnes of CPO, or 20% of domestic production, will be taken up.

    An analyst with Aseambankers said: “Our initial excitement on the re-rating of the sector in the second half of this year appears to be fast tracked by the present short term tightness in the supply of palm oil, which means present CPO price at RM2,150 per tonne may be sustainable and perhaps inch higher at the slightest positive news.”

    The brokerage's neutral call on the plantation sector and CPO price assumptions of RM1,900 per tonne in 2007and RM2,000 in 2008 are presently under review for a potential upgrade.

    Last month, palm oil inventory stands at a 19-month low at 1.34 million tonnes mainly due to the lower-than-expected March production at 1.08 million tonnes.

    The brokerage said the short-term tightness in supply may persist this month given the good export data estimates given by cargo surveyors, Intertek Testing Services Sdn Bhd and Societe Generale de Surveillance at 666,793 tonnes and 642,492 tonnes in the first 15 days of April despite rising CPO prices.

    While the tightness in supply spells good fortunes for palm oil prices, the potential risks that could upset the view include surprisingly higher CPO productions in the coming months after a seasonally low first quarter production, higher-than-expected soya bean planting this season as well as a plunge in crude oil below US$50 per barrel.

    Conversely, the brokerage said higher crude oil prices could drive CPO closer to RM2,600 per tonne achieved in 1998.

    Malaysian palm oil exports up 27% in April

    Thursday April 26, 2007 - The Star

    SINGAPORE: Malaysia's palm oil exports rose 27.1% from April 1 to April 25, compared with a month earlier, independent cargo surveyor Societe Generale de Surveillance said.

    A total of 907,330 tonnes of bulk palm oil shipments through Malaysian sea ports were tracked in the period, compared with 714,124 in the first 25 days of March, SGS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd said in a report issued today.

    The estimate comprised 804,484 tonnes of palm oil and 102,846 tonnes of oleochemicals and lauric oils.

    The palm oil exports included 81,374 tonnes of refined bleached and deodorised (RBD) palm oil, 334,916 tonnes of RBD palm olein, 103,825 tonnes of RBD palm stearin and 148,075 tonnes of crude palm oil.

    China was the largest single buyer of Malaysian palm oil products, taking 231,192 tonnes, followed by the US (101,037 tonnes) and India (74,505 tonnes).

    Earlier, another cargo surveyor, Intertek, reported that Malaysia's palm oil exports rose 29% between April 1 and April 25 to 928,874 tonnes.

    Malaysia and Indonesia are the world's biggest producers of palm oil, accounting for about 85% of world output. – Bloomberg

    Wednesday, April 25, 2007

    林敬益親向彭蘇丹匯報 彭雪水供事未有定案

    updated:2007-04-24 21:23:42 MYT (星洲日報)











    防洪控制水源 吉流水壩不會引發水災

    updated:2007-04-19 17:47:19 MYT (星洲日報/東海岸)

















    ●吉流園坵2區、3區 及4區



    山埃採金遺害萬年 勞勿300人和平糾察

    更新: March 2, 2007 17:54 - 中国报







    據記者現場所見,村民為了迴避警員的干扰,在海報的正面上寫上“SELAMAT DATANG BUKIT KOMAN”,不過反面卻是“我們反對山埃”。
















    彭亨州務大臣拿督斯里安南耶谷表示,以6000萬令吉作為投資基金的新建金礦場(CARBON-IN-LEACH(CIL) RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING),日后尚會撥出1億5000萬令吉以提升採金工作。









    山埃(Hydrogen Cyanide)是具弱酸性的氫氰酸,學名氰化氫(HCN),為無色、極毒、帶苦杏味的低粘性液體。氫氰酸一直被當作毒物使用,或為古董家具或橘園的消毒劑。

    今 天,山埃是製造多種重要化學品的基本物質,是生產許多化學產品的基本化學物質,如生成adiponitrile以製造尼龍、生成methyl methacryte,以製造壓克力樹脂、生成氰化鈉以回收金、生成triazines以製造農藥、生成蛋胺酸以為動物的飼料、或作成螯合劑以供廢水處理 用等等。


    雖 然山埃的毒性只有沙林毒氣的四份之一,但在美國曾以四腳蛇做有關的實驗,發現逐天吃含有山埃成份的食物,不但會致命,更影響下一代的生殖器官畸形,較正常 的細小及短,生殖能力亦會減少。輕微中山埃毒的徵狀包括嘔吐﹑頭痛﹑心跳﹑呼吸急促﹑昏亂﹐嚴重中毒者會昏迷﹑抽筋﹑肺水腫﹑血壓低﹑死亡。張偉麟說山埃 會阻止身體內的新陳代謝作用﹐最終致死。

    Further Observations and Comments on the Cyanide Process to Produce Gold

    The Berlin-Declaration on Gold Mining

    Further Observations and Comments on the Cyanide Process to Produce Gold

    Prof. Dr. F. Korte, Munich, Germany
    Prof. Dr. F. Coulston, Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA

    In various Articles and Comments in this journal (EES) discussions were presented regarding accidental breaks in the ponds containing waste cyanide. These leaks caused even some deaths in humans and produced havoc in the surrounding ecological systems, including plants and animals.

    The two authors of this and past articles would like to bring you up to date on the Gold problem.

    Recently, in Berlin (October 27, 2000) a group of scientists, which included Prof. Dr. Paul Müller, Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Korte, and Petra Sauerland, produced what is known as the "Berlin-Declaration". These scientists produced a statement that now becomes the major thrust against gold processing using cyanide.

    On the initiative of FIAN (International Peoples Right Organization) a meeting was held on the activities of the German Development Society in Gold mining, using cyanide process in Ghana, Peru and New-Guinea.

    Under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c.mult. Paul Müller (University Saarbrücken) and the presence of Gila Altman (State Secretary Ministry of Environment, Germany) and scientific representatives Prof. (em) Dr. Friedhelm Korte (Technical University, Munich), Prof. Dr. Ismail Duman (Technical University Istanbul), Dr. Thomas Rude (University Munich) and Petra Sauerland (Chairman Peoples-Right-Organization FIAN-D) the Berlin Declaration on Gold Mining using the cyanide process was unanimously passed.

    Berlin-Declaration on Gold Mining Using Cyanide Process:

    1. Critical scientific analysis (especially, eco-chemistry, bio-geographical, hydrological and geochemical ecosystems) emphatically prove that the cyanide process in Gold mining cannot be accepted because of its irreversible damage to the ecosystems. The necessary safe technologies (like detoxification, neutralization, reduction in the availability to the ecosystems among other heavy metals) are only in a limited way available. They cannot guarantee safe Gold mining. Considering economics, water conservation, chemical and protection of nature, Gold mining using cyanide in the open field under the German and EU law is not authorized.

    2. Ecosystems analysis at the site of operations prove that in tropical and subtropical zones there is an occurrence of periodic crisis. The technologies to reduce the risk are not manageable and cannot be controlled. Bursting of dams, leakages, transport accidents (for example: Summitville, Colorado/USA 1993; Harmony Mine, South Africa 1994; Manila, Philippines 1995; Omai, Guayana 1995; Homestake Mine South Dakota, USA 1996; Gold Quarry Mine Nevada territory of Western Shoshone, USA 1997; Kumtor, Kirgistan 1998; Baia Mare, Romania 2000) and other smaller accidents indicate worldwide that the concerned firms do not act carefully.

    3. The economic analysis indicates that the activities of the main Gold producers (for example: Anglo Gold, South Africa; Gold Fields, South Africa; Rio Tinto, UK/AUstralia; Newmont, USA; Barrik, Canada; Placer Dome; Canada; BHP, Australia; Normandy, Australia) are concentrated in poor countries and regions with low production costs, insufficient legal standards and controls

    4. Analysis of the social effects on the people and the humanitarian situation prove that there is no positive effects by Gold mining using cyanide process. Short term gains (more jobs) always follows a permanent fall from the previous standards.

    5. This negative balance proves that cyanide Gold mining permanently contradicts the 1992 decalartion of Rio. It destroys, in long term, the basic necessities of life and threaten adequate nourishment. The public money sanctioned by the governments for the promotion of Gold mining projects are to be stopped and, where necessary, the affected people should receive compensation.

    On February 17, 2000 there appeared an article entitled, "Is the risk of a cyanide discharge from goldmines in Sweden a real threat?" written by Adriaan Muller. For the purposes of this commentary I will quote some of the statements presented in the article. To read the entire article I refer you to the author.

    "During the last few weeks a number of reports from the Romanian goldmine at Baia Mara have been circulating in the European press, radio and television. Pictures of massive destruction of fish and other animal life in the river Danube and its subsidiaries have shocked the whole world. Not to mention those who have been directly affected by an enormous discharge of tens of thousands of cubic meters of sediment, with high concentrations of heavy metals and cyanide from a tailing lagoon. Nobody knows how long it will take, if ever, before nature retains its balance." "The EU commissioner for the environment Margot Wallstrom has visited the scene of the disaster. Wallstrom has granted EU assistance to the countries which have been affected and also to send a task force to the area immediately."

    The article talks mostly about what is going on in Sweden. "Swedish authorities and mining companies regard Sweden as the leading European mining country. Sweden produces the largest tonnage of iron ore, lead, silver and gold in the EU and is the second largest producer of copper and zinc."

    "Thus the number of tailing lagoons in Sweden is high. There is an ongoing research program studying the environmental risk to groundwater, streams, lakes and other drinking water suplies."

    "At the moment there are 17 international mining companies who have exploration rights."

    "In 1992 the Sewedish parliament decided upon changes in its mineral law, this resulted in the number of claim certificates and exploration permits rocketing. Since 1992, no less than 1600 exploration permits have been granted."

    "Around 1.5 million hectares (15.000 km2) are covered with exploration permits today and that means a greater proportion of the country than ever before. An additional area of about 1.7 million partly averlapping hectares, mostly in northern Sweden, has been granted for diamond exploration."

    "The total number of new mines in southern Sweden is unknown, but several of them are goldmines in which, most probably, the cyanide process for extraction will be used. Almost all fresh water leaving the Swedish mainland in rivers and streams runs into the Baltic Sea. Any accidental discharge from a tailing lagoon will immediately result in severe environmental repercussions for the Baltic Sea. The long-term effects of an accident, similar to the three accidents in Romania and Spain, to the Baltic and ist sencitive ecology cannot be forseen."

    "Accidents of this nature have already taken place in Sweden. A large discharge of heavy metal polluted sediment at the Lulsvall mine in northern Sweden happened in October 1996."

    "For the population of south Sweden this is of great concern. The question is if this should also be of great concern to other citizens of the EU and citizens of the Baltic States? What should we do about it before it is too late?"

    Author: Adriaan Muller (ARM-Action for a Rightful Mineral Law) 36292 Tingaryd, Sweden Tel.: +46 477 120 74 € Fax: +46 477 453 073 € e-mail:


    These new disclosures concerning Sweden add to the total understanding of the damage that can be done to the ecological system as well as to the animals and humans that live in these areas. The recent catastrophe in Romania is now well known around the world. This should not be repeated again elsewhere in the world. That cyanide ponds exist even in Sweden maybe without the permits from the government is indeed a very serious problem. Professor Korte and Professor Coulston would like to keep the readers of EES informed not only now, what is current, up-to-date information, but they will try to keep the readers continiously informed about this problem in the future. The Berlin-Declaration speaks for itself and warns us of the danger of using cyanide in processing gold.

    The situation, that the open air Cyanide Leaching Gold Recovery Process (CLGRP) which is used and developed since the beginning of 1900 should not be acceptable today, is only understandable if one realises the rapid industrial development since 1900. This fast process has lead to unexpected and unacceptable health consequences for humans and the newly discovered environment.

    Environmental health problems are only considered and discussed since the early 70s in a few nations. In the 80s international agencies like the OECD, UNEP, WHO, IPCS etc. became aware of the international dimensions of environmental problems. The most important event in this respect was the Rio Summit in 1992 with the Agenda 21. This agenda required for the first time environmental protection measures on chemicals and processes to be developed and implemented by governments at international level. In the following time additional regulations have been developed (e.g. Maastrich Treaty of the EU, The Rotterdam Convention, UNEP, POP Convention). The principle of sustainibility is internationally accepted to be the focus point for introductions of new industrial processes and also for the reconsiderations of already existing ones. Up to now all scientific publications and national or international meetings have clearly shown that the open air Cyanide Leaching Gold Recovery Process can not fullfill the requirements of a sustainable process and is therefore today not acceptable. The Berlin-Declaration of October 27, 2000 supports this statement strongly.

    The great chemical and gold mining industry producing gold today should be able to prevent the constantly ore mining accidents even when realising that a main problem of the process is the fact that more than 99,99xx % of the treated ore (or soil) is structurally changed by the grinding and extraction process which changed the bioavailibility of their newly formed unknown constituents. Only a few promille of unchainged gold are recovered and being of commercial value.

    The Berlin Declaration speaks for itself and warns us of the danger of using cyanide in processing gold. In previous "comments", Prof. Dr. Korte and Prof. Dr. Coulston have suggested simple remedies for controlling spills from the cyanide ponds. We hope that the major mining companies will find a way to improve their methods of production!.

    Further Literature:

    Korte, F. and Coulston, F. (1994). Some considerations of the impact of energy and chemicals on the environment. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 19, 219-227

    Korte, F. and Coulston, F. (1998). Some considerations of the impact of ecological principles in practice with emphasis on gold mining and cyanide. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 41, 119-129, esp. 125

    Korte, F. (1999). Ökologisch-chemische Betrachtungen zu Goldgewinnungs-verfahren. GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 43, 1082-1083

    World Wide Web,
    World Wide Web,

    Fears of Cyanide Poisoning Grips Village

    Feb 1, 07 4:45pm - Malaysia Kini by Bede Hong

    THEY live next to a gold mine. While many would rejoice at such a prospect, the villagers of Bukit Koman in Raub feel that it is more of a curse than a boon.


    Because a mining company has set up shop in the tiny hamlet and proposes to use cyanide for the gold extraction process.

    -Approved by state gov’t
    -Water source vulnerable
    -Watch 7-min video clip

    Raub villagers protest potential cyanide use

    Jan 24, 07 3:56pm - Malaysia Kini by Soon Li Tsin

    Some 3,000 residents of Kampung Baru Bukit Koman in Raub, Pahang, are questioning a state agency’s decision to allow the use of cyanide in a gold-mining operation in Bukit Koman.

    -Residents not consulted
    -‘Release detailed EIA report’

    Klau Dam Won’t Cause Floods

    KUANTAN: Following public fears after the floods in Johor, Pahang has assured that a dam it is building in Klau, near Raub, will not overflow and cause floods.

    Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob said the Klau dam was different from the Semberong dam in Johor, which is said to have caused major flooding in the state recently.

    “The Semberong dam is meant to prevent flooding while Klau dam is for water supply purposes.

    “The Klau dam will collect water upstream and release it during the dry season,” he said when replying to a written question by Dr Ng Keong Chye (BN – Ketari) at the state assembly here yesterday.

    Adnan added that the areas affected in the building of the dam were Felda Lembah Klau, Lakum forest reserve, Sungai Temir orang asli reserve, Ladang Klau 2, 3 and 4 and the Klau Youth land scheme.

    The RM3.8bil dam is part of a raw water transfer project between Pahang and Selangor to supply water to Klang Valley consumers.

    To a supplementary question by Datuk Redzwan Harun (BN – Kerdau), the mentri besar said the state legal adviser had been instructed to scrutinise all agreements so as to protect the interests of Pahang and its people.

    The House was also told that supervisory and enforcement measures on deviant teachings involving religions other than Islam would come under the jurisdiction of the state security committee.

    State Islamic Dakwah and Special Functions Committee chairman Datuk Ahmad Munawar Abdul Jalil informed the assembly about the matter when replying to a supplementary question by Datuk Ti Lian Ker (BN – Teruntum).

    Ahmad Munawar had earlier replied to a written question by Dr Abdu Rahman Ibrahim (BN – Jengka) and a supplementary question by Md Rusli Ismail (BN – Tioman) on deviant teachings among Muslims.

    Met during tea break, Ti alleged that deviant teachings of non-Islamic religions were quite rampant.

    If left unchecked, the issue might jeopardise harmony among the people.

    He said it was not enough for the state security committee to monitor and make enforcement on the matter since it did not meet often.

    Pahang should be glad to pass the water issue over to Perak

    YOPE KEY-DARE, Kuantan

    PAHANG should be thankful and relieved if there are other states wishing to take its proposed role as the provider of water under the RM3bil Pahang-Selangor Inter-State Raw Water Transfer (ISRWT) project.

    If press reports quoting Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli Ghazali as saying that Perak is willing to channel 800 million litre per day of water from its Sungai Bernam to Selangor are true, then Pahang should be glad to pass the baton to the silver state.

    Tajol Rosli’s proposal came with a condition that the water would be first treated at a plant to be built in Perak, before the fully treated water is transferred to Selangor.

    Pahang is said to be the preferred choice for the ISRWT project because of its large tracts of water catchment areas covering almost half of the 3.569 million hectares of the state’s land.

    Under the ISRWT project, among others, there is a requirement to build two dams and a 45km underground tunnel.

    These two elements of the ISRWT alone could cause major damage to the environment, thus inviting strong opposition from various non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

    The two sites where the dams are supposed to be built are in Kelau, Raub, involving an area of about 4,090 hectares; and another in Telemong, Bentong, involving about 1,532 hectares.

    However, the Pahang state government under Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob, who feared that the two dams would cause great environmental impact, decided to build only one. Thus the one at Telemong was shelved.

    What about the proposed 45km tunnel that not only costs 65% of the entire mega project but is also the main concern of environmental damage?

    On the Kelau dam itself, sacrifice has to be made by the people of Pahang including the orang asli who will be moved out to a new settlement.

    Furthermore, the water that comes from the catchments will be transferred to Selangor from where it will be treated and supplied to consumers.

    This brings little benefit to Pahang because untreated water does not command as high a price as treated water.

    Pahang has asked for 15 sen per cubic metre. Selangor, on the other hand, requested a mere 2 sen per cubic metre.

    With all the sacrifices Pahang has to make, would it be really worth its while to have this project in the first place?

    If not, then Perak should be most welcome to take over from Pahang as the provider of water under this inter-state project.

    Move to revive golden era of Raub

    RAUB: A new technology which promises a yield of up to six times more than traditional methods is set to revive the golden era of Raub.

    The residue – or tailings – left behind by earlier miners who used the conventional method to tap gold, will be replaced by a state-of-the-art technology from South Africa where the richest gold fields are found.

    A company here will build a RM60mil gold processing plant which can potentially produce an annual yield of about 708.7kg of gold, worth about RM53.2mil at current prices.

    “The advantage of the new technology is that it can recover up to 85% of gold from the tailings, compared with 15% using traditional gravity methods,” said Peninsular Gold Limited chairman Datuk Seri Andrew Kam.

    Mining technology: Adnan (centre) and Raub MP Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen examining core samples from diamond drilling after the ground-breaking ceremony in Raub yesterday, as Peninsular Gold non-executive director Dr Yves Cheze (left) looks on.
    The plant will be sited on a mine which has been in use since 1890.

    “Raub is synonymous with gold mining in Malaysia and has a history dating back some 200 years.

    “The tailings are present in an area of approximately 202.34ha in Raub.

    “The plant should be ready in a year's time,” Kam told reporters after the ground-breaking ceremony by Pahang Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaacob at Bukit Koman here yesterday.

    Peninsular Gold Limited will build the plant through its wholly-owned subsidiary Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd.

    Before the event, about 100 placard-carrying villagers gathered at a road leading to the mine, protesting against the plant, which would be using cyanide in the gold processing.

    Adnan later met several representatives of the villagers at the Raub Rest House and received a memorandum which called for safe health and environmental measures.

    The mentri besar said the villagers had made four requests, which he found reasonable.

    The villagers asked for independent expert opinion and data on the project; an assurance that public safety is taken into account when cyanide is used, an updated environmental impact assessment report and safety precautions the company would take.

    Speaking at the ground-breaking earlier, Adnan said the plant would create some 140 related economic activities.

    Meanwhile, residents' spokesman Hue Fui How, 61, told reporters that they were not against commercial ventures but wanted the environment kept safe.

    “It is not about my generation any more. It is about ensuring that future generations are safe,” he added.

    Bukit Koman folk stage protest

    RAUB: A group of residents in Bukit Koman renewed their protest against the move by a local joint-venture company to extract gold from the mines here using cyanide.

    The group comprising about 70 residents staged a protest outside the company here recently.

    The spokesman for the group Wong Kin Hoong said some 3,000 residents in Bukit Koman would be directly affected as their houses were located about 300m from the mining site.

    He said in June last year, they had held several discussions with Raub MP Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen and Teras assemblyman Datuk Chan Chong Fah.

    One voice: Residents staging a demonstration against using cyanide in gold mining activities in Bukit Koman recently.
    “We hope the matter will not be swept under the carpet as our health is at stake.

    “All in, over 50,000 people residing in Raub district will be at risk if the firm extracts gold using cyanide,” he said.

    Cyanide is an extremely harmful chemical substance and may result in premature death.

    Those exposed to the chemical may develop headache, nausea, dyspnoea (breathing difficulty), confusion, seizures, coma and cardiovascular collapse.

    Wong said based on information he received, the company had been given approval to use the substance by the state Environment Department (DOE).

    “If this information is correct, we hope the DOE will consider retracting the approval for the sake of the people.

    Wong said several studies also revealed the wide usage of cyanide had caused considerable damage to the health of the people in Canada, Romania, Guyana, Kyrgyzstan and Papua New Guinea.

    He urged the authorities to conduct a new Environment Impact Assessment on the viability of the project and its mining activities.

    “Let us stress that we are not against gold mining activities if it is being conducted using conventional methods.

    “The old method is not harmful to humans and the environment but will bring out about 20% of yields as compared to some 80% using cyanide,” he elaborated.

    Raub is synonymous with gold mining activities and has a history dating back some 200 years.

    The company in question, Raub Australia Gold Mining Sdn Bhd, started operations in the 1890s and ceased work in 1960.

    However, in the 1980s, the firm resumed its operations after making a substantial investment.

    The firm’s top management could not be reached for comment.

    Living in Fear of Cyanide

    January 31st, 2007 (Malaysia Kini)

    Note: Due to overwhelming response from our viewers, we are experiencing a bandwidth bottleneck, please be patient as the above video loads and buffers into your system.

    The residents of Kampung Baru Bukit Koman in Raub, Pahang are living in fear of cyanide poisoning after a company was given approval by the authorities to recover gold deposits using cyanide.

    The residents are fearful that any leakages of cyanide into the area’s water system will be damaging to their health and the fertility of farms within the village and surrounding areas.

    The gold mine has been in existence since 1898 but stopped operations in 1961. However, new mining technology using cyanide to extract gold from ‘gold tailings’ has made mining feasible again, bringing about much fear to the people of Bukit Koman.

    Members of the committee against the use of cyanide at Bukit Koman relate to Malaysiakini their fears.

    Camera: Shufiyan Shukur

    Reporting: Beh Lih Yi / Kuek Ser Kuang Keng

    “孩子不急,父母急” 新生代不關心升學

    更新: April 21, 2007 23:13 (中国报)

















    高教部副部長翁詩傑說,拉曼學院文憑不受公共服務局承認一事,其雙聯課程(twinning program)是問題的焦點。



























































    Monday, April 23, 2007

    壯大警力運動委會 馬青廣招青年當差

    更新: April 20, 2007 17:47 (中国报)









    Saturday, April 21, 2007

    TARC grads, the route is the private sector

    Mar 29, 07 5:13pm - Malaysia Kini by Wong Yeen Fern

    Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) graduates have been advised NOT to apply for positions in the civil service - chances are they will be rejected.

    The alternative? Go and join the private sector. There are plenty of jobs for TARC grads.

    -No problem with jobs
    -Submit courses to PSD

    Mixed reactions from TARC students

    Apr 9, 07 2:07pm - Malaysia Kini by Wong Yeen Fern

    MCA-run Tunku Abdul Rahman College students today gave mixed reactions to the news that their advance diplomas and diplomas were not recognised by the government.

    -Right to know
    -Not an issue

    Ministry okays 33 TARC courses

    2007/4/13 20:35:00 (

    After a 38-year wait, the government has given its green light for some 33 courses offered by the MCA-run Tunku Abdul Rahman College.

    However for these courses to be recognised, they still need to be approved by the Public Service Department.

    Deputy Higher Education Minister and MCA vice president Ong Tee Keat announced this today and immediately rejected claims that the approval was a sweetener for the Machap by-election.

    “The college approached the ministry in the fourth quarter of last year. There was then no such issue of the by-election," he told a press conference at the Parliament lobby.

    The non-recognition of the TARC courses was one of several national issues raised by opposition party DAP in their campaigns for the by-election. The polling on Thursday sees a straight fight between DAP and BN’s MCA candidate.

    Ong said that the approval was granted by the Committee of Higher Education (JKPT) from the Ministry of Higher Education.

    The courses that would be recognised now include diplomas and advanced diplomas for accounting, science, engineering and business studies.

    Waiting for PSD approval

    Most of these courses have been taught at the college since 1972.

    "Over the years we know that TARC graduates have been absorbed into the private sector. The move to seek approval is mainly prompted by necessity to cater to a wider scope of prospective careers for students who want to join the civil service," he said.

    TARC was founded by the MCA in 1969. Although it is currently categorised as a public higher learning institution (IPTA), its courses are not recognised by the government.

    Recently former TARC student Soo Pak Leong had complained that he was unable to get a job with the police force as his degree was not recognised by the Public Service Department.

    The DAP had then highlighted the issue by asking how come a degree from the MCA-run college was not recognised by the government.

    Ong said that now that the ministry has approved the courses, it was just a formality for the PSD to give its recognition.

    DAP ‘stole our thunder’

    Ong also expressed regret that DAP was exploiting the recognition issue.

    "TARC is an issue that the Opposition (DAP) wants to exploit. They are eager to raise the matter through the Machap by-election," Ong told reporters.

    "I am strongly regretful of DAP’s gimmicks and baseless allegations. They can steal our thunder but we proceed in accordance to our pace and procedures," he said.

    Lim also brushed aside allegations by DAP that his ministry does not answer inquiries by e-mail.


    TARC grads, the route is the private sector

    2007/3/30 21:34:18 (

    Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) graduates have been advised NOT to apply for positions in the civil service - chances are they will be rejected.

    The alternative? Go and join the private sector. There are plenty of jobs for TARC grads.

    This is the advice from a TARC spokesperson today following a report of TARC graduate Soo Pak Leong whose applications to join the police force were rejected on several occasions.

    Soo’s problem was simple - his degree, a Bacher of Science from TARC is not recognised by the Public Service Department (PSD).

    The spokesperson who spoke to malaysiakini on condition of anonymity also said there is no need to inform students that TARC diplomas and advance diplomas are not recognised by the civil service because these qualifications are marketable in the private sector.

    “There are many multi-national companies as well as established regional companies which recognise TARC qualifications.

    ‘Exceptional’ case

    Parents and students themselves are fully aware that TARC qualifications are well received by private sector employers, she added.

    However, she also explained that the college was in the process of applying for recognition from the PSD for 30 of its courses.

    This will make it easier for future TARC graduates who are more keen to join the government service, she said.

    On the case of Soo Pak Leong (right), the spokesperson described it as ‘exceptional’ as not many TARC graduates choose to work in the civil service.

    Nevertheless, she pointed out that there were also former students who had successfully join the civil service as teachers and administrative workers such as in the Attorney- General’s Chambers.

    “Those who managed to find work in the civil service had studied abroad after completing a course at TARC. There are students who furthered their studies at the Campbell University in UK upon completion of their advance diploma in TARC. The Campbell degree is recognised by PSD,” she explained.

    TARC principal’s ‘No comment’
    Meanwhile, malaysiakini has a frustrating time trying to locate TARC principal Yoong Lai Thye for her comments today. She could not find the time this morning to speak to malaysiakini at the college.

    When finally reached at 3.50 in the afternoon, all the TARC principal of five years offered was a ‘No comment’.

    Malaysiakini wanted to ask her whether it could be made a TARC policy to inform intending students that TARC qualifications are not recognised by PSD.

    Meanwhile, PSD corporate communications head, Hasmier Rashid said for public universities and colleges to get their courses recognised by PSD, they must apply directly to the department.

    “Upon their application, we will then look into their course criteria before deciding whether to give approval for these courses or not,” she said when contacted.

    Hasmier elaborated that a committee of different disciplines (such as technical, science, communication) will have to evaluate the courses and the decision will be made after that.

    On Soo’s predicament, she said that the policeman wannabe could still use his SPM certificate to gain entry into the police force if he is really keen to join the force.


    Police reject presses for college recognition

    Apr 7, 07 5:25pm - Malaysia Kini by Bede Hong

    Turned down by the Police Department despite repeated attempts to sign up, Soo Pak Leong is determined that it does not happen to anyone else.

    -DAP will pursue the issue
    -Others not wasting time

    TARC graduate denied entry into police force

    Mar 24, 07 5:46pm - Malaysia kini by Bede Hong

    As a child in the early 1980s, he saw firsthand police at work in fighting off the last remnants of the communist threat in Raub, Pahang.

    -A dream unfulfilled
    -MCA must explain

    Friday, April 20, 2007

    TAR College degrees substandard?

    Sunday, March 25, 2007 (KTemoc)

    Soo Pak Leong confessed he watched Jackie Chan’s Police Story movies, so he was carried away somewhat by his hero's actions, by a sense of wanting to fight crime, keeping the peace, rescuing fair damsels and saving the world from mad scientists or nasty neo-con agents who want to blow up the world.

    Naturally he dreamed of and applied to be a police officer, so in 2004, armed with a BSc at 24 years of age, he tried for a cadet assistant superintendent of police. He application was rejected with no reason given.

    Like Jackie Chan, he wasn't one to give up, so he tried again the following year, but alas, that time the police didn’t even have the courtesy to reply. Before Soo reached the ceiling age of 25, he tried one last time, but just for the lower post of an Inspector.

    He was lucky in a perverted sense in that on his 3rd but futile attempt, Bukit Aman at least replied to say that his qualification was not recognised. Why? It was just a lousy BSc from the Tengku Abdul Rahman (TAR) College.

    He checked with the PSD who confirmed that TARC degrees weren’t/aren’t recognised.

    Hmm, haven’t the government and MCA been urging the Chinese to join the police force?

    TARC was established in 1969 by the MCA. The Chinese-majority party partly funds the college. And everyone knows that TARC degrees are far more recognised in the private sector than those from government universities. So why is there a lack of recognition by the government?

    The DAP blamed the MCA youth education bureau for not trying hard enough to get Soo into the police force. I have no doubt that the MCA would have lobbied for TARC degrees to be recognised but that means diddly squat for government agencies like the police or PSD where the MCA is concerned.

    Soo has finally accepted he isn't Jackie Chan, and that it’s no use banging one’s head against the wall of city-hall. Goodness, he had even gone on radio to describe his difficulties earlier this year, but obviously no one in the government cared two hoots.

    However he describes his current job, a network engineer, as good.

    Soo, it may be a blessing in disguise for you.

    MCA c/o the government?

    Sunday, April 8th, 2007 at 1:54 am by ronnieliutiankhiew

    From the left: Lim Lip Eng, Lau Weng San, Soo Pak Leong and Tiew Wey Kheng at the pc @ DAP Selangor office yesterday.

    MCA leaders including Ong Tee Kiat, the deputy minister of higher education, have no answers to questions raised by Soo Pak Leong of Raub , Pahang. Soo, 26, has applied to join the police force as a cadet ASP or Inspector three times but he was rejected simply because his diploma, advanced diploma (both were Science) and a B Sc degree with Campbell University( all through Tunku Abdul Rahman College) were not recognised by the National Accreditation Board (LAN) and Public Service Department (JPA).

    MCA must explain why the academic qualifications of TARC were not accredited by the Malaysian authority after almost 40 years since its inception. Is MCA part of the government or merely care of (c/o) the government?

    TARC was formed in 1969 at a time when the Chinese community was demanding to set up the Merdeka University. MCA has set up TARC as a political tool to cool down the Chinese sentiments when Merdeka University was rejected by the then Alliance (now BN) Government. 50% of the fund came from the government and the remaining half has to be raised by TARC itself.

    All these years, the college enjoys the great support of the Chinese community and the community in general is now shocked to learn that the academic qualifications were still not recognised by the Malaysian government.

    TARC has produced many good students and professionals over the years and we do not see why MCA leaders have failed to get their academic qualifications recognised by the Umno-led BN governnment. Shame on you, MCA leaders.

    As long as these qualifications were not recognised by LAN and JPA, graduates of TARC will never be able to join the police force or any other government departments as a civil servant. It’ s certainly not fair and unjust to TARC graduate like Soo Pak Leong and their parents who have trusted TARC.

    Who says Chinese youth were not interested in joining the police force?

    EDUCATION IN MALAYSIA: TAR College Not Recognised

    Tuesday, March 27, 2007 (by KIAN MING & TONY P)

    TAR College Not Recognised

    A few weeks ago, both Kian Ming and I wrote on the issue that the Malaysian government does not recognise degrees granted by the top universities in China - Peking and Tsinghua University. Currently, they don't even recognised these universities' degrees in Chinese studies. This is despite the fact that our Malaysian government recognises medical degrees from Uganda, Burma, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Iraq.

    However, I just found out late last week, that even diplomas and degrees from our very own local Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) which has been established for many years, and accepted widely by the Malaysian private sector, is not recognised by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awan (JPA). Hence any TARC graduate seeking employment with the civil service will be rejected outright.

    拉蒙:華印裔也應有機會 委大學校長須選賢任能

    updated:2007-04-18 10:24:53 MYT (星洲日報)















    Thursday, April 19, 2007


    updated:2007-04-19 12:23:24 MYT (星洲日報)

    (吉隆坡訊)首相署部長拿督斯里納茲里 週三 (4月18日)表示,截至2006年,只有747名或6.4%的華裔投身公共服務領域,這個數目比截至2005年6月的9.3%下跌了2.9%。



    Wednesday, April 18, 2007

    不受彭基金局承認 拉曼學院生不能貸款

    updated:2007-04-12 13:49:31 MYT (星洲日報/東海岸)

    獨家報導:(關丹訊)拉曼學院不獲彭亨基金局 週三(4月11日)承認,學生不可向基金局借貸,也不能獲得500令吉就讀高等學府獎勵金。
















    Saturday, April 14, 2007

    Email to Datuk Ong Tee Keat

    Refer to Sin Chew Jit Poh (星洲日報)
    date‧2007.04.09, Deputy Minister of Ministry of High Education (MOHE) DatuK Ong Tee Keat said that he not received my complaint email is not true.

    Refer to the email address i get from MOHE official wedsite, i had send the complaint email to all MCA minister and deputy minister include Datuk Ong Tee Keat date first time at 21 June 2006, second time at 16 August 2006 and last time at 5 October 2006.

    I wonder why Datuk Ong said that he not received my complaint email. Either their totally not read the email or read it but simply ignore? or others reason?

    We understand that minister or deputy minister busy sometimes but at least their personal secretary or
    political secretary had read the email. If not what use they publish the email on their official website or MCA website? If YB have any personal or latest email please update on their respective ministry official web site or even MCA website so that public can reach them very fast via email.

    As government always said that paperless, so email is a very powerful tool to propagate public voice, view, comment and etc.

    Last, i hope that respective ministry official website going to alter their work attidute, thinking and action accordingly.

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    PSD nod for 33 KTAR courses

    Tuesday April 10, 2007 (The Star)

    KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 33 diploma and advanced education programmes of the Tunku Abdul Rahman College (KTAR) have been approved by the Higher Education Ministry and the Public Service Department.

    The approvals are needed for graduates planning to join the civil service.

    Higher Education Deputy Minister Datuk Ong Tee Keat said that over the years, many of the college’s graduates had been absorbed into the private sector without problems.

    “Now many have shown strong interest in joining the civil service.”

    Ong said among the programmes recognised were science, engineering, accountancy, business and Information Technology.

    拉曼文憑不受承認 章瑛促黃家定爭取

    更新: April 11, 2007 18:06 (中国报)














    黃家定:拉曼培育無數英才 反對黨抹黑馬華貢獻

    更新: April 10, 2007 17:56 (中國報)










    爭取文憑承認 馬華責無旁貸

    - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 (东方日报)


    雖然拉曼學院開辦的課程經過國家學術驗證局的批准,但由于還未受公共服務局的承認,因此不久前才出現了該學 院文憑的持有人蘇柏良3次申請加入警隊被拒門外的風波,讓馬華公會好不尷尬。拉曼大學文憑不受政府承認,被反對黨在馬接區州議席補選中利用來諷刺該政黨當 家不當權。高教副部長翁詩傑表示認證在進行中,「政府不會因為馬接補選而加速處理拉曼學院的文憑認證」,箇中原因也就十分明顯了。

    事實上,除了蘇柏良考獲的拉曼學院理學系高級文憑以及美國坎貝爾大學理學士雙聯學位,拉曼學院開辦的許多專 業文憑、高級文憑及雙聯課程,向來都不受公共服務局的承認。一些專業的文憑,如知名的LCCI或City & Guild,無論在那一所私立學院考取,都不受公共服務局的承認,畢業生無法單憑這些文憑投身公職,而是必須考取其他政府承認的文憑才行。
    儘管這些課程不受公共服務局承認,但由于其學術水平受國際承認,考獲者掌握一定得專業技能,因此私人界依舊對其畢業 生青眼有加,甚至不乏高薪聘請的例子。而且,有些專業課程不但廣受私人界歡迎,還相等于(equivalent to)一些受政府承認的文憑,甚至可以充當不少專業課程的入學學分及資格,或豁免修一些學分。拉曼學院一些校內考試也可豁免一些專業文憑的科目,因此相當 受歡迎,也是該學院今天有3萬名學生的主要原因。


    拉曼學院在上世紀60年代末承獨大事件而誕生,80年代就已經和外國大學聯辦雙聯課程,根據副高教部長翁詩 傑的說法,直到「許多畢業生有志投入公職」才著手申請文憑認證,去年才完成補辦高教部的認證工作,不可謂不后知后覺。馬華既然宣稱在政府中代表華社的聲 音,及在華社中代表政策的解釋者,它開辦多年的學院文憑不受政府承認,顯然是說不過去的。

    無論如何,拉曼學院沒有在1996年高等教育法令誕生后馬上辦理認證手續固然是敗筆,但遲到總好過不到。拉 曼學院提供超過百項課程,我們樂見其中的33項文憑即將獲得公共服務局承認,並希望這能鼓勵更多該學院的畢業生投身公職。馬華公會接下來的工作,或許是在 拉曼文憑重視獲得公共服務局的承認后,舉辦一項大型的巡迴展,喚醒有志投身公職的大眾考取拉曼學院的文憑。

    高教部承認33科系 拉曼生當公僕露曙光

    updated:2007-04-10 09:08:22 MYT (星洲日報)













    2007/04/10 10:53:58 (南洋商报)


    他说,拉曼学院院方追溯认证的33项课程当中,最早的是在1972年所开办的,其他大部分是在1980年代所开办的课程;这些课程当中,有部分是该学院和坎贝尔大学(Campbell University)合作的双联课程。






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